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It is highly recommended to check keyword density in order to understand, are using targetted keyword. It means if you are using 10 keyword within 1000 characters of your article, it means 1 % targetted keyword are used . If you use 20 keyword within per 1000 character it means 2% are targetted keyword are used. This is how about your checking status of keyword density .
There are many types of opinion from the eye keyword density expert. Some are opinianing their views recommending 0.05% to 0.08% is best. WHere as someone look forward to advise range from 0.05% to 2.5 % is best. But it is highly recommeded through experts less than 3% is the best and most important to get trafic . This is why we prefer to use our keyword density tool ,to understand your targetted keyword are to be used or not. In thi sconnection , we can recoomend if keword is used 3 times out of 100 character. This is good for getting traffic target.